Recognition To Prayas SWS

In recognition of the services of the Prayas SWS, ‘Mission Jagriti’, Faridabad honoured the Chairman Sh. M.L. Gupta along with President Sh. Jagat Madan as ‘Jewel of Faridabad’ by presenting a shawl and memento on 28/12/2007, through Sh. P.D. Lakhani, Chairman of Lakhani (VARDAN) Group of Industries on behalf of ‘Mission Jagriti’

In recognition of the social service being rendered by the Prayas SWS, its Chairman Sh. M.L. Gupta was awarded a commendation certificate by Sh. Randeep Singh Surjawala, Cabinet Minister Haryana, on 26/01/2008 during the celebration of Republic day by the District Administration, at sports complex, Sec- 12, Faridabad .

The chairman of Prayas SWS Sh. M.L. Gupta was honoured on 27/01/2008 by Sh. Murli Manohar Joshi, Ex HRD Minister, Govt. of India at Graeer Kailash – New Delhi during a function organized on account of foundation day celebration of Sh. Chunni Lal Jindal Memorial Trust.

Sh. Jagat Madan- President and Sh. Pawan Kumar Gupta- General Secretary – Prayas SWS were honoured by the Chief Minister Ms. Sheela Dixit and Education Minister Sh. Arvinder Singh Lovely of Delhi State on 15/02/2008, in recognition of the Social Services being rendered by the Society, on behalf of Independent School Federation of India.

Sh. M.L.Gupta- Chairman Prayas SWS was honoured by SRS Welfare Society for Senior Citizens by SRS group on 05/06/2008. Dr. Arvind Prasad-IAS, Joint Secretary, Social Welfare department of central Govt., Sh. R.K.Khullar- IAS Commissioner MCF did the honours.

Sh. M.L. Gupta, Chairman, Prayas SWS was awarded a commendation certificate & memento by H.E. Dr. A.R. Kidwai, Governor of Haryana on 29-04-2007 at the convocation of Manav Rachna Education Society, Faridabad.

Sh. Ajay Makan, Minister of State for urban development, Govt. of India, while acknowledging Prayas’ work honured Mr. Jagat Madan, President Prayas SWS with a memento and shawl, at a function organized by the Manufacturer’s Association of Faridabad for the installation of their Governing body.

Sh. Naveen Jindal, MP Lok Sabha honured Sh. M.L.Gupta, Chairman Prayas SWS on the occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti at Hotel Magpie, Faridabad. He appreciated the efforts of Prayas in reducing illiteracy in Faridabad .

Sh. M.L. Gupta the then President Prayas SWS was awarded a Certificate of commendation from Govt. and a memento by H.E. Babu Parmanand Governor of Haryana on 26th January 2004 on eve of Republic day celebrations for the good work done by the Prayas SWS for the education of street & poor children.
Our Achievements

Appreciation Award Presented to RTN. Jagat Madan (President, Prayas Welfare Society) for organizing in association with Rotary Faridabad East Beautician Training Course Centre at Prayas Bhawan during Rotary Year 2012-13 to build peace through service. Presented by P.P. Rtn. Dr. R.S. Verma (Hony. Secretary) & Rtn. T.R. Arora (President) Rotary Club Of Faridabad East.

Appreciation Certificate – This Certificate is awarded to Sh. Jagat Madan for his Stupendous Philanthropic work under privileged children of the society through Prayas Society.

Appreciation Award Presented to RTN. Jagat Madan in Recognition of Distinguished Services During Rotary Year 2005-2006. Presented by Rtn. J.S. Saroha (President 2005-06)

Presented in honour of the Personality Devoted to the cause of the society by Dudes & Doll

Appreciation Award Presented to Sh. Jagat Madan CMD M/s Vikas Nigam 10 January, 2014. Presented by Ramneek Prabhakar (Gen. Secretary) & Ahri Naresh Verma (President)

Appreciation Certificate – This Certificate is awarded to Sh. Jagat Madan for his Stupendous Philanthropic work under privileged children of the society through Prayas Society.

Appreciation Certificate – This Certificate is awarded to Sh. Jagat Madan for rendering untiring services in the field of Social Activities.